jueves, mayo 01, 2008

Espinoza paralyzed the new work permissions by 90 days

By means of Decree 877, the intendant of the Slaughter suspended “the presentation and the proceeding of the permissions of work new and extension that are not initiates by General Table of Entrances, in the locality of Ramos Mejía and that surpasses the 10 meters of height, anyone are their destiny, use and dimensions of the lot”, according to it says the text confirmed by the Deliberative Council.

The new regulation was dictated based on the reclamations that the neighbors make in Ramos Mejía. Miguel Presa, neighboring autoconvocado of Urquiza and Espora, indicated “We are not going to let protest until this measurement is definitive and we are sure that the illegal constructions are not going to harm more to the district. Not only they complican I journey and they flood to us but that harm our quality of life”.

The decree, within the considerandos, specifies “That is due to carry out a new study that allows to make the consultations necessary to update the Code of Planning”. And that in such sense “it is necessary to establish the suspension of the granting of leave of work during a reasonable term, that allows to evaluate in depth the thematic one avoiding the consolidation of undesirable situations”.

On the matter Imprisoned it expressed: “The decree indicates that it is going away to evaluate decree 7420 (Code of planning) but that norm is only the legal one and if it had been respected we would not have so many disadvantages. The norms that are due to correct are the illegal ones, that comes approving from principles of the 90, by the successive municipal administrations”.

According to the president of the pro-government block, of the local Deliberative Council, who first ordinary session guaranteed the decree in his, “The decree is an exception that has been taken to develop a control measurement”, and remarcó that goes a “to work next to the neighbors in a new regulating plan”.

Ariel Martinez, councilman of the block Peronist Feeling, considered “very hard to cut yet (The new work permissions), because the people who already invested in the land purchase and are transacting constructions, of blow are whereupon she cannot advance”.
“If they are put to immediately work with a plan computer - the edile added -, one is going away to make agile everything, but we delayed making a relevamiento of the constructions, this can get to bring problems”.
New March

Meanwhile the neighbors made a new march to ratify their desire of which the decrees are modified that allow to construct buildings in residential zones. Friday 26, was joined to 19 in the corner of Urquiza and Espora, and from they started off there for downtown.

Later, they cut the intersection of avenue of Mayo and Rivadavia and caused a chaos to vehicular, that had to be controlled by the cash of the police dependency of the zone. In the place, all referring the ocal ones of Ramos Mejía were present, the autoconvocados ones of City Avoid and the neighbors who demand by the seat Alberto Echeverri which they supported his to the cause.

“All the reclamations are Really children of the same causes: the lack of planning, the systematic violation of the provincial ground Law and the ignorance of the Law of environmental impact”, the demonstrators declared.

The act I finish near the 22, after the social representatives made use of the word to accentuate the reclamations. In the agenda, they have predicted the accomplishment of other events of joint way to harness the intensity of the protests and to ask for a hearing with the intendant Espinoza.

Next steps

“The neighbors of Ramos Mejía we are going to send to a group of encuestadoras with a list of questions to make a survey and to know which is the most illegal building of all, the one that harm more and who is the most corrupt architect, among other points”, it specified Imprisoned Miguel.
The promoters are going to cross all the sector between the streets “Fray Cayetano, Tacuarí, Gaona and the Heras, that is harmed by the proliferation of constructions in height, and that all the neighbors can think”, it explained Prey.